Speak Pipe

Speak - Pipe

Speak Pipe

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Jesus said“Woman, look, here is your son!” He then said to his disciple, “Look, here is your mother!” From that very time the disciple took her in

While Jesus is on the Cross He asked His Father in Heaven (1)to pardon those who mocked Him,beaten,crucified,(2)He had shown the path to Heaven by providing the instant paradise along with Him (3)As a Son of Man He had given the future Life & Hope to His Mother MAry.Even while Jesus is suffering with unbearable agony,pain His EYES looked all the people standing around the cross.Even today Jesus cares and look people who comes to the cross weeping at His feet for His mercy.
Christ's Disciples who promised to stay with Jesus were afraid and left for good.Only John the youngest disciple of all stayed with Mother mary at the cross.Mother mary is weeping thinking at the henious cross,why the Angels word were abruptly broken.It is quite natural for a mother who had given birth after nine months of preganancy seeing her child, just 33 years on the cross dying.What happened to the Angel Gabriel's words--Luke 1:32,33He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will never end.” Is this the way His end will be.,Where is His kingdom.Those three kings came with gold,silver and francinsine..What happened to the people who brought who came back to life while jesus prayed for the sick.where are those who saw first in their life while jesus prayed. All such past glory is before the eyes of mother mary. Jerusalem chief priest had said on the Jesus 8th day that a knife will pierce thru mother mary's heart.all those famous words were piercing her heart now.This time Jesus understand her mothers heart and handed her to his famous john to look her for the rest of her life and also told his mother to join with john.It was jesus time and to hour his mother and he did it at his lastmoments.

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